Tag Archives: Bagel

February 9 Bagels

It’s also National bagel and Lox day but I didn’t have time to go in search of that this morning. This National food day thing would be much easier if I actually worked right in a city. Today did make me think of two things. One being that my work said we would be getting bagels every Friday but I have yet to see a single bagel. This makes me sad. Second, when interning in New York City, our work would get THE best bagels every Thursday.

Ess-a-Bagel, with two locations in NYC, has the best bagels I’ve ever tasted. Started in 1976, they eventually opened up in midtown.  The line is usually out the door and around the corner during the morning rush. They are served hot and extremely fresh. How can you beat New York style bagels. The water up there really does make a difference.

Inside the Ess-a-Bagel on 3rd Ave., it’s as if you are still in a 1980’s establishment. But if they continue to serve bagels that are out of this world, you should be OK with it.

Also, all of their bagels are certified kosher. Mazel Tov!

Tomorrow: Brownies


Filed under New York City